5 Ways to Start a Running Routine

5 Ways to Start a Running Routine

So you want to be a runner?
CURE Q&A: Tennis Pro Andy Roddick Reading 5 Ways to Start a Running Routine 3 minutes Next Spotlight ON: Ashwagandha

So you want to be a runner? It's not as daunting as it seems! Anyone — seriously anyone — can become a runner.

As with anything worth working toward, you have to accept that you won't be running marathons on day one. Here at Cure, we're avid runners. Cure co-founder, Lauren Picasso, is an expert runner who participates in long-distance races. Read on for a step-by-step guide to becoming a runner with some pro tips from our very own Lauren.



This point can't be stressed enough. It's all about baby steps. Start with the longest distance that you can comfortably handle. It should feel challenging, but not debilitating. Do a mix of shorter and longer runs, rather than pushing it to the limit each time. Lauren suggests adding half a mile to your longest run each week. "I'm always amazed at how quickly this builds up my endurance,” she says.



If you're a red-blooded human in 2019, chances are you're pretty tired after a day of work. Mornings are typically when we feel most energized, and you need every bit of motivation to get yourself on the pavement during those early days. Lauren says she likes to run before work "so she can feel energized and accomplished all day, and then have a glass of wine and unwind after work." It almost sounds...dreamy?



Things that are a habit or part of a routine are instinctually easier for us to do. The more your running practice (or any practice) is part of a routine, the less willpower you need to make it happen. Decide which days are your running days and stick to it. It helps if you give yourself a reward after a run, like reading your favorite magazine or drinking your favorite smoothie or taking a warm bath. Your brain will associate that positive experience with running.



Not all races are a million miles long and scary! Lauren recommends signing up for a 5k. "I'm always more motivated when working towards a goal," she says. The race gives you a fixed date to work backwards from. Plus, you have to pay to participate, so there's some financial motivation to stick to it. Race days are full of excitement, and you'll have added adrenaline to help you out.



It's best to give your body recovery days. (See our post on recovery.) If you want to be proactive on recovery days, Lauren suggests cycling or swimming as a low-impact alternative, or yoga and pilates to improve flexibility and build core strength. Flexibility and strength are both key to developing a running practice. "Running can be pretty tough on your joints, so it's important to cross train to safely build muscle," says Lauren.

Last, but certainly not least, don't forget to #StayFluid with Cure. Lauren recommends one Cure before a run and a second one after longer runs. Happy running!